
Day 228: Wheatgrass People

Day 228 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Wheatgrass is easy and quick to grow and there are many different things to make with it. 1. Soak the wheatgrass seeds in water overnight. 2. Spread the mulch or soil in a tray and water it. 3. Drain the seeds and spread...

Day 226: Flapjack Fun

Day 226 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Flapjack fun – who said they flapjacks and pancakes have to be round? Use a cookie cutter or tin foil to make a shape to pour the mixture into. If the mixture is too thin, this may not work as well. Alternatively, make...

Day 225: Lucky Packets

Day 225 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Lucky packets are such a fun idea and can be filled with anything, from sweets to funky sunglasses, bracelets to balls and balloons. Use any packets, decorate them and collect small objects to place inside. From my book Kids’ Market Days (Struik Publishers...

Day 224: Clowning Around

Day 224 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Have some fun with your kids clowning around with breakfast bowls – which can also be healthy afternoon snack!

Day 223: Magic Matchbox Surprise

Day 223 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Another magic matchbox idea – turn recycle empty matchboxes into fun surprises! Decorate and cover the outside the box and include a message and sweets or money or any surprise – it could be a plastic worm too!

Day 222: Mouse Crackers

Day 222 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Have you ever made Mouse Crackers before? Such a simple idea that will take no time at all. Take a wedge of cheese and add ears, eyes, nose and a tail to create a cure little character. Here I used a slice of...

Day 221: String Bauble

Day 221 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Have you ever made a string bauble? This is a fun project to do together with your kids and a lovely decor idea to hang in their rooms. The bigger your balloon, the bigger the bauble will be. MATERIALS: String Ribbon Rickrack White...

Day 220: Rock Art

Day 220 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Rock art can be a great creative experience. Use a smaller sharper rock or shell as your pencil to make the markings on the rock. If it is a sandstone rock, use a colored pen or felt tip to draw your picture.

Day 219: Creative Gift Tags

Day 219 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Gift tags, wrapping and presents are much more personal when they are handmade. Collect pieces of ribbon and spare buttons and stick them onto plain brown paper tags to make these pretty gift tags.

Day 218: Collage Pictures

Day 218 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Make a beautiful collage picture out of pieces of torn paper. Pictures can be abstract or realistic, pieces of torn paper can be very small or larger strips for landscapes work really well. The paper pieces can be plain colors or magazine pages...