
Day 78: Paper Hats

Day 78 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Can you make a paper hat? So easy to do, all you need is a piece of paper – See the diagram below. Use pencils or paint to decorate the hats. #paper hat #creative kids #fun games

Day 77: Tin lanterns

Day 77 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Do you recycle? Why not use your time to make these lovely fun lanterns. All you need to do is punch holes to let the air in and light out. Use a coat hanger for the handle, or a piece of wire. Melt...

Day 76: Sock Puppets

Day 76 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Can you remember making your own sock puppet? Kids have loads of fun making and playing with sock puppets. No need to spend money on toys when kids can make their own play mates! #sock puppets #creative kids

Day 75: Hand prints

Day 75 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Do you have water based paints at home? Try this easy creative idea of making animals out of your kids hand prints. #kids paint ideas #hand prints

Day 74: Shoulder stand

Day 74 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: When last did you do a simple shoulder stand with your kids? Yoga relaxes the mind, improves circulation to the upper body and brain and helps kids develop strength and flexibility. A Shoulder Stand is a great, safe way for kids to go...

Day 73: Hobby horsing around

Day 73 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Can you remember playing on a hobby horse? They are so easy to make, all you need is an old stick or broom stick, a spare sock and some stuffing. Add eyes, nose and mouth and some reigns, and off you go. #games...

Day 72: Play a quick game of charades today

Day 72 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Do you play charades? It is a game where players guess a word or a phrase. The other player gives a written or acted clue for each syllable and/or for the whole item. A perfect dinner time game. #games #charades #creative parenting

Day 71: Star gazing

Day 71 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Can you remember star gazing? Take some time before bedtime to look out the window and see if you can count some stars. #bedtime #creative parenting

Day 70: butterfly nets

Day 70 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Did you ever try to catch butterflies with a net in your childhood? Have a great time with kids catching wonderful interesting things, hopefully not any real butterflies, but its the idea that counts! Apart from encouraging active time, this game is good...

Day 69: Make cupcakes today

Day 69 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Have you had a cupcake day recently? Kids of all ages enjoy baking with their parents or on their own when they are old enough. There are many pre packaged mixtures, fancy icing ideas and healthy alternatives on the web. #cupcake baking #creative...