Day 97: Rock painting

Day 97 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Can you remember painting rocks? Whether it’s a ladybug, cute animal or a creepy monster.
To make a ladybug pet rock:
1. Paint a small round or oval rock white (colours like red and yellow are brighter when they are painted on a white background).Let the paint dry and then paint the whole rock red.
2. Using chalk, draw the outline of the head and a line down the centre of the rock for the wings.
3. Using black paint and a small paintbrush, paint the head area, the line for the wings and the dots on the wings. Allow to dry.
4. Paint a red stripe for the mouth.
5. For the eyes, paint big white circles. When dry, paint a smaller black circle in the white circle and finally a white dot in the centre of each black circle.
6. Paint two small white dots for the nose.
7. Varnish for a shiny effect, if preferred.
From my book, Kids’ Market Days (Struik 2014). #kids markets #creative kids #crafts