Day 91: Car rolls

Day 91 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Do you make fun sandwiches for your kids? Is it a roll or a Rolls Royce? Zoot up a small bread roll by adding wheels and funny drivers. For younger children, one roll will suffice, but older ones might eat more, so we’ve given two ways to make up the rolls.
cocktail bread rolls
your choice of fillings (ham, cheese, tuna mayo, etc.)
cucumber slices
cherry tomatoes, halved
hard-boiled egg
carrot sticks
You need: cocktail sticks, to secure the ingredients (cut or break them, as necessary)
1. Cut the roll in half, butter both sides and fill with your choice of filling.
2. To make the wheels, place half a cherry tomato in the middle of a cucumber slice and insert a cocktail stick through the centre. Use the cocktail stick to secure the wheel to the side of the roll. Make four wheels.
3. For one of the rolls, peel the hard-boiled egg, halve it and position the egg, yolk-side down, on top of the roll, to resemble the ‘driver’. Secure the egg with a cocktail stick, leaving it sticking out of the egg.
4. To the cocktail stick, add a small circle of cucumber for a bowler hat, and a sliver of cucumber of cheese for a feather, pressing them down gently to secure. Add small circles of cucumber for the eyes.
5. For the other roll, make a face with a strip of cheese and add pieces of carrot stick for the hair and eyes.
6. Use a cocktail stick to fix half a cherry tomato to the front of the roll, for a head lamp.
• Remind your child to remove any cocktail sticks before he starts eating
From my book Fun Foods for Kids (NB Publishers 2016), email me on if you would like to buy a book.