Day 154: Make your own Puzzles

Day 154 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Do your kids like playing with puzzles? Puzzles provide many skills and mental learning benefits and are an important educational learning tool for toddlers and young children. From cognitive to problem solving, fine motor development to hand and eye coordination, puzzles develop and encourage these skills through fun times and play. Making your own puzzle is even more fun, and adds a whole new dimension to the activity! You can make it as simple or as complex as you like, determined by the age of your child.
Draw a simple picture on cardboard, flip it over, and draw a grid pattern made up of squares on the back.
To create puzzle pieces, add ball and socket shapes along the edges of the grid squares so that the pieces will fit into each other when the puzzle is cut. Cut out your puzzle pieces and let your kids put the puzzle together.