Day 127: Matchbox Surprises

Day 127 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Do you have empty matchboxes at home? A matchbox surprise is the easiest thing to make! And it can be filled with many exciting things!
You will need:
empty matchboxes
coloured paper
sticky tape
wrapping paper or
paper offcuts or felt,
buttons and ribbons
surprises – sweets or anything that will fit easily into a matchbox.
How to make pretty matchbox containers:
1. Cover the matchbox with coloured paper, leaving the ends of the matchbox clear for the inside drawer to slide out easily. Secure with glue or sticky tape.
2. Add layers of paper, ribbons and buttons and secure with glue.
3. Line the inside drawer of the matchbox with colourful paper.
4. Fill the matchbox with small sweets.
From my book, Kids’ Market Days (Struik 2014)