Day 118: Monster cookies

Day 118 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Do you know about monster cookies? Such an easy idea to liven up the afternoon – use ready-made biscuits or bake your own!
How to make round biscuit monster sticks:
1. Spread a thick layer of icing over a Marie biscuit and place one-quarter of a lollipop stick or a wooden skewer onto the icing. Place another biscuit over the stick and press the biscuits together. Check that there is enough icing to keep the two biscuits together. If not, add a bit more or make your own biscuits and insert the sucker stick into the dough before you bake them.
2. Add blue and green food colouring to two dollops of icing and spread one colour over the top biscuit, making blue and
green monsters.
3. Use white icing to pipe on the eyes and teeth.
4. Use liquorice strips for the mouth, hair and eyes.
From my book, Kids’ Market Days (Struik 2014), email me on if you would like to buy a book.