
#278: Teach your children to weave

#278: This easy weaving embroidery loom is simple to use. Weaving helps develop the strength between the thumb and forefinger which is also a pre-writing skill! Weaving helps develop hand-eye coordination and concentrate skills and is also a wonderful creative activity for children as there is really no right or wrong way of doing it...

#277: Invent your own Snap/matching game

#277: Invent your own Snap/matching game – each player has got to try to find a matching pair by turning up two of the zoo biscuits. The benefits of playing memory games with your kids are enormous, it improves concentration and will help your child develop visual memory, which is an important skill for...

#276: Lavender gift bags

Make lavender bags using flowers from the garden – a perfect project for small hands and a fun idea to teach kids how to sew. Pick the lavender and let it dry out for a few days. Use scraps of fabric to make hearts shaped bags, add a loop for easy hanging on doorhandles or coathangers.

#275: Footprints in the sand

This is a lovely activity, to show how big of small your child’s feet are, compared to your footprint, and compared to others. Document a picture each few months and see how their feet have grown. It is also an easy way of incorporating multiple senses into an activity.

#274: Measurement Concepts

The aim of this measuring height activity is for children to play and have fun with the concept of measuring using their own height. This measuring height game is a great opportunity to talk about measurement. Have fun measuring everyone in the family, as well as the family pets like your dog or cat! And...

Day 243: Strawberry Jam Samies

Day 243 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: When last did you make good old fashioned strawberry jam sandwiches? Although these are not the healthiest every day option, they are great when you want to offer an afternoon tea time treat. If you have home made strawberry jam, even better! Cut...

Day 242: Recycled Plastic Houses

Day 242 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Do you have any recycled plastic containers that could be turned into a little house for a toy? This container was an old washing powder tub. Help you children make a doorway with an NT Cutter, the rest they can do themselves. Stick...

Day 241: Rainbow salad

Day 241 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: This fun rainbow salad is a way to disguise an entire plate of veggies and fruit. Let your children make their own rainbows out of the various colors of fruit.

Day 240: Egg Box flowers

Day 240 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Are you out of ideas of what to do with your recycled egg boxes? Why not make this easy egg box flowers. All you need is pipe cleaners . Let your children paint the egg boxes to make bright colorful flowers. Add some...

Day 239: Fruit Faces

Day 239 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Do your kids like eating fruit? Encourage healthy snacking by making funky fruit faces. Use a melon ball spoon to make melon ball eyes, Use raisons and nuts to add a mouth or nose or hair, slice apple thinly for spiky hair, once...