Day 140: Catching Fish

Day 140 of #365 Creative #Ideas to do with your kids: Have you ever let your kids ‘Catch Fish’ in your house? Watch as your children master their hand-eye coordination when trying to hook a fish. Provide a bucket for their catch and count them together at the end.
Water play is one of the most enjoyable educational activities for children and doesn’t need to be restricted to bath time. The more messy the better, of course, so it’s perfect for hot days when the kids need to cool off. But there are plenty of fun indoor water-play activities. Making fish Cut fish shapes from colourful plastic file dividers. Make a hole for an eye with a punch, then thread a metal paperclip through it and drop it into
a basin of water. Fishing rods are easily constructed from a pole and a length of string with a magnet fastened securely onto the end.
You can also catch fish without the water!
From my book, Cool Spaces for Kids (Hamlyn UK 2009).